Where to Buy Bird-Friendly Maple Syrup In New York

What words come to mind when you think of maple syrup? Think birdier than “sticky” and “delicious” — how about “bright red” and “full of song”?
Maple products come from forests managed in very different ways. By purchasing Bird-Friendly Maple syrup, you are supporting producers who are committed to managing their forests in ways that benefit an incredible variety of nesting songbirds, including Scarlet Tanagers, Wood Thrushes, and Veeries.
Look for the Maple Managed for Birds label the next time you buy maple syrup! If you really want the perfect breakfast, sip on some Bird-Friendly Coffee too!

Life has changed in leaps and bounds this year. If you have met Ollie, you know I mean leaps and bounds. On February 12, Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, it was one year since I had to release my precious Penny into the arms of eternity. After a much too brief period of doglessness, Ollie came into my life – the personification of leaps and bounds. I don’t think this dog’s feet touch the ground. He just springs along. With my pup of boundless energy came some changes.

Changing of The Guard
Great South Bay Audubon has not held elections since before Covid. Many of our board members have stayed on passed what our bylaws designate. Our organization, like so many others, does not have volunteers beating down the doors and, so, the officers stay.

Brookside Park
It’s a new year and the New Years Resolutions have been made. It’s time to make changes to improve ourselves and that is exactly what we are about to do at the homestead. I’m talking about the Caretaker’s Cottage at Brookside. It’s time for a facelift and for that we need volunteers. We always need volunteers, I think every organization on the planet needs more volunteers.