Opportunities In A Financially Challenging Time
The last nearly 2 years has been a challenge for Great South Bay Audubon Society. Along with social distancing has come mental distancing. It has been difficult to keep the momentum of involvement going. Thanks to Legislator Anthony Piccirillo, we have received a generous grant 3 years in a row that has enabled us to maintain and improve our newsletters, web page and social media as well as to purchase a Zoom account and host quality educational programs during the months we don’t meet in person.
We have also explored some other opportunities. We have applied for an Audubon Works grant, that, if we are awarded it, will be used for a project to create a rain garden at the County Offices in Hauppauge. This educational outreach will also serve the environment well, given that the building is across the street from Blydenburgh County Park, which already is host to many bird species.
We are also exploring the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation grant, with the mission to improve historic heritage. Since Brookside County Park is the historic site of what remains for the Isaac Green Estate, we would be able to use the funds to reproduce some of the historic photographs of the family and estate as well as offer gardening classes at the park during the planting season. These classes would include education on native plants, shrubs and trees, pollinator plants and garden design. Funding could possibly be used to improve the frontage appearance of the park.
All these plans will take more than a handful of people. We would be enthusiastically grateful for you to consider volunteering for some of these projects. There will be a variety of things to do for all different skill levels, from someone with managerial skills to people who can use power tools to writers to the hospitality people to provide the sustenance.
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Articles From The July Newsletter
Hello, my little birding friends! Hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the birds and the nice weather, although it’s been a bit hot and muggy.
Join the GSBAS!
The primary mission of the Great South Bay Audubon Society is to advocate for the conservation of habitats for native birds and other native wildlife on Long Island.
May Newsletter
Hello, my little birding friends! Hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the birds. The winter birds and ducks have left, and the spring and summer ones are arriving. Some are just passing by, and some will stay.